In the near future, this area will display answers to frequently asked questions.

Current patients--please use contact information you were given at the clinic. I will call you if I do not hear from you.

New or enrolled patients, please use the secure email button to send your contact information, records for review for an appointment, and schedule a brief telephone consultation to answer any questions. Note: physican's referral is necessary.

Licensed professionals seeking consultation to develop skills and knowledge in Behavioral Medicine, please use the secure email to indicate your interest.

Services are for patients with difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, getting good sleep quality or using CPAP or biPAP for sleep-related breathing difficulty, or oral appliance for snoring or sleep apnea, excessive day-time sleepiness, nightmares, sleep walking, or a need to taper or discontinue sleep medication. A referral is needed to determine if a sleep disorder has been diagnosed or is being evaluated by a physician, and will help establish medical history.

At this time, when only telehealth is offered (due to the Covid-19 precautions), the first appointment is a consultation to determine together if telehealth is likely to be suitable for you. In gheneral, for Chronic Insomnia and other sleep disorders, 1-3 appointments are needed to create a plan, about 7 appointments for implementing , and two follow up appointments, three months apart, are recommended. I also offer a four session model for insomnia which may be suitable for some patients which I will determine in the first and second appointments and on review of your medical recrods(Brief Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia). For people living with narcolepsy, or other disorders that cause sleepinss, counseling with a psychologist who is trained in sleep disorders and familiar with challenges can be helpful in coping, life planning, relationships and self-advocacy. For those who are wanting to obtain the benefits of their prescribed CPAP or BiPap but have feelings of nervousness or a sense of suffocating, we work together to overcome barriers.

I hope you are staying well, staying safe, but also staying active, during the Covid-19 pandemic.